A few basic tips which might help maximise your portrait experience....
Wear clothes that are comfortable and that you enjoy wearing
Best to try and keep to the same tonal range for the group and
Try not to mix formal and casual clothing,
Solid colours are best and always try to avoid large or bold patterns- bright colours.
Long sleeved dresses and shirts are recommended for adults and Short sleeves are spot on for children and babies.
White shirts and denim jeans always work well.
When you are choosing an outfit for your baby's session try to choose one which fits well.
It is best to avoid having to turn up sleeves, etc too many times.
Don't worry about finding matching shoes or socks -
we will ask you to remove them
for the portrait session.
Babies look very natural in their bare feet and it avoids showing the white soles on their shoes.
Dungarees are best worn when children are able to sit up by themselves
as this avoids straps sitting too high or the bib being too high under the chin.
Try to avoid short straight style skirts or dresses whilst your baby is wearing a nappy.
Fuller skirts mean that no nappy will be visible when they are lying or sitting down.
Make your appointment for a time when your baby is at their best
don't pick a time when they are normally asleep.
They will respond much better when they are alert and not tired or hungry,
(mums will feel better too!!)
If your baby has a favourite toy please feel free to bring it along,
whilst it may not automatically be included in the photographs
it may help your child feel more at home.
And our most important tip......
enjoy yourself and have a fun session.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Studio.